Saturday, January 19, 2008

Al Jazeera 101 East Forum (part 2) Bersih Rally -10 Nov 07

Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-15 16:04:17
User: multidimid
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Malaysia  Bersih  Rally  Nov  Jazeera  101  East  Forum  


More Details at: This week on 101 East; Malaysia has just seen its biggest protest for almost a decade, with tens of thousands marching to demand electoral reform. Their call was met with tear-gas and water cannon. So is there a need for fundamental change in the south-east Asian country or did the demonstrators get what they deserve? We talk to leading government figures Minister Dato' Seri Nazri Abd Aziz ,Khairy Jamaluddin (PM S I L) and one of the nation's top human rights activists Malik Imtiaz Sarwar. The ending Transcript: Teymoor: As a rep of the younger generation of the UMNO Party do you agree with what the minister said or do you think there is room for changes within the institutional structure i Khairy Jamaluddin :I agree with what the minister says. There is nothing wrong with the system There is need to be some changes to the process to strengthen it. The institutions are fine an system . And we lose in election we lost Kelantan we lost before


truelymalaysia ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 09:59:30

Read the Malaysia Constitution for answer to " Malay "special rights or privileges", They are no where to be found ! Only "special position of Malays" (to safeguard backward Malay), appears in Article 153, which is "Reservation (quotas) of services, permits, etc, for Malays". The fault is our politicians twisting, misinterpreting and abusing Article 153 for their own gains and Article 153 will not be complete without reading Article 89 (equality for all races).
mukushi ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 03:17:32

Dude... I think everybody is missing something here... who voted for these Retard to talk in front of the camera like this?? And who doesn't do anything to stop those retard from being voted?? Stop whinning and go to your nearest post office to register for election. And vote for the one that fits the position, not those that belanja roti canai or give ang pow.
sakhrah ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 13:45:38

aku tgk gaya KJ dgn nazri ni mcm pakar je...tapi bile dgr poin/hujah depa, terkejut beruk aku...beruk tak terkejut macam aku...ada ke patut depa dua orang ni ckp camtuh...bahlul betol la. Mcmn la dua orang ni bleh jadi orang ternama UMNO ye? Puak2 umno ni tak kisah ke dgn kualiti dan imej diorang nih? memalukan betol la....adei.
plsbefair ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 13:17:11

Dear mypulseandlife, As you quoted, "The gov't didn't issue the permit out of fear that the violent rally at Batu Buruk might happen again." The difference of opinion doesn't constitute the legality of any rally. Most importantly, Government shall not be the deciding party; it's called "police state. Regards,
safari1958 ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 11:58:04

aku sendiri pegi bersih punye demo.mule mule ok lepas polis datang bagi amaran baling air baru kecoh sebab kite semua nak cabut .bukan kite nak bantai fru.fru yg nak bantai kiteorang.lepastu macam lah khairy tak pernah buat demo .die yg terjerit jerit masa gondoliza rise tu datang.
safari1958 ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 11:55:30

Ya allah , Budak monyet umno dua ekor tu belagak tak tentu pasal.nak terjerit bila berckap.aku tengok dr malik tu cakap relekz je.memang kite dapat lihat bila pilihan raya mane ade dieoarng cakap pasal parti pembakang .yang media cakap tentang keburukan pembangkang. memang teruk umno.kite tidak seharusnye menghantar due orang monyet untuk membari comment bodoh mereka dekat al jazeera .orang umno tak pegi sekolah.
jihadforsatan ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 07:10:08

nazri talks like a retard, he can hardly speak good english. fuck you both nazri and kairy, u both are fucking rasict muthafuckers. FUCK YOU!!
Revelation107 ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 20:13:31

"How can they say the rally was for peaceful purposes when the participants were opposition leaders and unlawful organizations?" The above statement is somewhat distorted from truth.The rally was planned as a peaceful rally,not for peaceful purposes.But the theme is for political what? Its for a fairer ELECTION process. And the rally DID resulted an electorial reform..KUDOS!
Revelation107 ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 19:24:20

The perception that they are stupid is a matter of fact,ironic. I wouldn't judge them as stupid, just cunning... As their daily bread and glutton-ability depends on it,they had to give their best shot and try to convince people by reinforcement of empty talks (or reiteration).
siewkwan0108 ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 05:48:43

God help Malaysia! There's no need to reform the institution?! Migosh!
mypulseandlife ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 13:50:00

After all not everyone has the tendency to hold uncivilised protest like the 3rd world scene like bersih....Pls. The majority's still being rational and sane.
mypulseandlife ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 13:48:30

Most of the NGOs who were organizing the rally were not even registered with R.O.S! Wtf! How can they say the rally was for peaceful purposes when the participants were opposition leaders and unlawful organizations? Damn, obviously it was a political attack to the people-elected gov't!
mypulseandlife ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 13:38:55

We all know if a public gathering involving more than 5 persons requires permit. To simplify things, the gov't didn't allow the rally for obvious reasons: The rally was strongly backed by the opposition...clearly it shows the rally was political motivated. It's not like the police didn't issued permits to opposition gathering before...duh! Only for this particular case tht the permit wasn't being issued coz it's a political attack ma!
mypulseandlife ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 13:29:43

C'mon guys...We all know Bersih Rally was illegal due to no permit. The gov't didn't issue the permit out of fear that the violent rally at Batu Buruk might happen again. When there was too much crowds (whom we all know hate the gov't) were out in public venues, how could the police control each of them. How could the police ensure that no one was carrying weapons? How could we ensure tht some irresponsible individuals might take advantage from the rally?
bytez ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 01:23:50

Obviously it's not a fair play. BN gave away millions of ringgit fot those malays to support them.

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