Monday, December 10, 2007


Duration: 06:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-26 21:44:35
User: xdhimmi
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U.S. Veteran Dispatch / Ted Sampley "Don't Know Jack" Murtha Gathering of Eagles "Father of Haditha Marine has a Conversation with John Murtha" Defend Our Marines Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt, USMC Atlas Shrugs (Archive on Murtha) Justin Sharratt (Youtube Video) Let Freedom Ring (Archive on Murtha) (Good timeline here) Write Your Representative Officer Advises Against Trial for Marine (AP) Dogging Murtha to Apologize Vets for the Truth


lookhearsee ::: Favorites  2007-07-26 22:50:18

He shhould be brought up on treason, and sued for every penny he has.
SG1963 ::: Favorites  2007-07-27 08:16:53

Murtha and his ilk would surrender to islam, it's filthy charter of murder and submission, and put a koran in every U.S. home. They'd rather live on their knees than die on their feet. God help America!
lookhearsee ::: Favorites  2007-07-27 13:06:32

Oh yeah star, and they appease and go meet with our enemies. Shameful.
LIVERLADD ::: Favorites  2007-07-28 12:45:11

Any politician who trys to score political points off of the back of troops doing a incredible and dangerous job should be thrown out of politics forever.The loathsome snake.I honestly believe the he and others of similar mind probably danced a jig when they first heard of this Haditha thing.
grazon ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 14:18:15

Ted Sampley is a nut who branded Senator John McCain a Manchurian Candidate because he spoke to his guards while in a POW camp. miafacts dot org/prankster.htm
xdhimmi ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 14:24:49

Sampley's recount of the facts of the case can be verified in dozens of other places. You attack Sampley, but not his recount of the facts. Why is that?
grazon ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 15:02:52

You've checked every one of Sampley sources?
xdhimmi ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 15:19:39

(1) I did not state all of Sampley's sources were legit. How could I know? I don't have his private notes. Shesh, to even ask such a question assumes an impossible misunderstanding. What I put forth is that all Sampley's contentions repeated in this video are duplicated by other writers whether or not they are acquainted with Sampley in any way.
xdhimmi ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 15:20:37

(2) Now, you continue to cloud the issue. Do you dispute any fact which I have drawn from Sampley's writing and included in ths video? If you do, state the objection. Otherwise, you are engaging in the deceptive practice of attacking the messenger (Sampley) to draw attention from the message. There is no reason for me or anyone else to spend time and energy conversing with a deceptive person, and I will not do so.
xdhimmi ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 15:20:59

(3) If you have dispute with any contention of Sampley's cited in this video, state your dispute of the facts. Otherwise, you are typing for nothing.
grazon ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 15:26:48

"I did not state all of Sampley's sources were legit." "Sampley's recount of the facts of the case can be verified in dozens of other places."
grazon ::: Favorites  2007-08-01 20:59:22

colmmernagh ::: Favorites  2007-08-06 14:08:43

That fact is 24 iraqi men women and children were murdered in cold blood by american troops,deny it all you want your only foolin yourself.Allied troops get the outa iraq you fuckin idiots.
colmmernagh ::: Favorites  2007-08-09 19:43:29

Idoit,you think your keeping me free ??? Its you and your presidents elk thats making the world a much more dangerous place.All you gay bastards do is create terrorists,if you kill 1 iraqi you create 10"terrorists" same with Israel and the palestinians.
xdhimmi ::: Favorites  2007-08-09 19:51:13

All charges against L/Cpl Justin Sharratt dropped! Hallelujah!

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