Thursday, February 14, 2008

Zionism A Clean Break, Office of Special Plans Douglas Feith

Duration: 05:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-23 01:30:49
User: proteanview
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Zionists do not represent Judaism any more than Al Qaeda represents Islam or the Klan represents white Christians. This has nothing to do w/ anti-Semitism. Rev. John Hagee is an über Zionist & he is both white and Christian. Douglas Feith is a bigger terrorist than Osama bin Laden. His 'Office of Special Plans' is responsible for lying us into war so that America would kill, die and pay for Israel's "A Clean Break". We are now rebuilding Israel's Mosul-Haifa pipeline. 4,000 Americans have died for Israel's Mosul-Haifa pipeline, more than in Osama's 911. Feith is a Zionist-American traitor/terrorist who should be hanged because he's killed more Americans than Hussein & bin Laden combined. Feith is also an attorney for defense contractor, Northop-Grumman. Feith co-wrote "A Clean Break" w/ Richard Perle for Benyamin Netanyahu in 1996, in Israel. It called for the removal of Iraqi, Iranian and Syrian 'regimes' for the sake of Israel. Fast-forward to the Bush regime. Bush appoints Feith as Undersecretary of Defense. Paul Wolfowitz get his 'new Pearl Harbor' and Feith is allowed to open his own branch of government, 'Office of Special Plans'. OSP falsely connects 911 to Iraq which results in Americans fighting, dying and killing for Israel's 'A Clean Break'. Feith is also an attorney for Northrop-Grummman, America's biggest defense contractor *The following message was left my a veteran of the navy* gwest100 I could not agree with you more, You speak so much truth, and it will scare people. I don't need to Google any of what you say; I have been on the Mosul-Haifa pipeline. We ran covert operations to defend/protect its construction and re-construction. We were once diverted from a cache of various weapons when there came an uprising of insurgency against those working the pipeline. WTF! These weapons found their way to IED makers and others in Iraq to combat our troops. Regards, GMGCM West


lidkis193 ::: Favorites  2008-02-11 15:44:49

Ah of course, anyone who doesn't support Israel is obviously an anti-semite or a muslim supporter, there's no other possible explanation.
proteanview ::: Favorites  2008-02-11 00:06:51

oathniel: Dr. Paul has always been against these wars. This video provides another little known reason why he was right.
oathniel ::: Favorites  2008-02-11 00:00:45

What does this have to do with Ron Paul?! (Check video response)
radlam64 ::: Favorites  2008-02-10 12:28:05

Insightful comments. Some people think 9/11 was a joint operation of American and Israeli intelligence. IDF/Mossaud agents were caught video taping the event. When they returned to Israel, they were on a TV news program saying that they were sent to document the attacks. I've seen the video clip here on YouTube and on some other documentaries.
RP08FootSoldier ::: Favorites  2008-02-09 01:32:40

Great video, thanks for keeping yourself informed and us as well.

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