Thursday, December 27, 2007

GypsyWytch Kissing a Hot Girl at 777

Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-08 11:42:16
User: GypsyWytch
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Filmed by TMC1969. This girl thought I was hot and totally wanted to make out with me.


GypsyWytch ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 19:09:10

Just for the time being. I get a new place in December.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 19:44:46

what do you mean no current home,? are you homeless? if so i'm sooo sorry for your misfortune i've been there, but was a child when i had to go through that, i hope things get better for you :)
GypsyWytch ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 19:19:49

I will as soon as I can. I can't right now, seeing as I have no current home.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 00:23:21

Ohh, by the way when you going to add some more videos? it's been 3 fucking weeks and i'm going through withdraw damn it!! LOL, no but seriously we need more videos, SO GET TO ITTTTTTTTT!!!! :) :) :) :)
GypsyWytch ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 02:30:44

No, I don't feel disrespected at all. There actually is the option on MySpace of selecting "not sure" for orientation. But I don't see how one's orientation is something anyone (or at least I) can really be "sure" about. The only thing I'm sure of is that anything is possible.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 18:21:04

part5: but anyway that is why I labeled you as such, sorry for the assumtion. I didnt mean anything disrespectful by it, hope there wasnt any hard feelings. i'm outtie, bye, hope to see more thought provoking videos by you in the future. peace :)
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 18:20:27

part4: but straight is what you had and still have there, thats why i labeled you a hetrosexual, because thats what i assumeed you labeled yourself, givin the very little information I know about you :) ( please excuse any miss spells, i'm not exactlly the world best speller).
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 18:19:03

part3: but on your my space page you dont have bi, ,bicurious, you dont have, "I don't like labels" i don't know maybe they didnt give you that option if that is the case then that sucks that you couldnt honestly express yourself because the option wasnt there.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 18:18:28

part2: but anyway, when she asked if you were into women at all, and your reply was, [i'm not interested in women] so i was going by that, and also your myspace page, where under sexual orientation: you have straight,(which i was like, NOOOOO!!! DAMN IT'S REALLY TRUE!!! NNNOOOOOOO!!!!! I was hoping at least you was bi or something LMAO)
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 18:17:11

part1: as you can more then likely tell I can be long winded at times so sorry, just got alot to say. I'm very sorry, I wasnt tring to give you a label, no disrespect at all, but i was going off of you saying in one comment you made to someone when he/she asked (i'm assuming it was a female, hello lol).
GypsyWytch ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 17:26:09

She wanted it. And for the record, I'm not crazy about putting labels on myself like labeling myself as heterosexual.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 05:17:15

part#6 And say if you did do it for a guys pleasure wouldnt that make you at the least like bi curious or something? you confused the hell out of me with that, if you are totally straight then why would you even want to kiss a girl let alone french a girl, would love a reply thanks so much :)P.S. especially kissing a girl at the least i would say bicurious cause if you wasnt you wouldnt even be kissing a girl let alone tongueing her.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 05:16:58

part#5 #3 you simply like to play around with girls. you know? simply, girls are good enough to bang and make out with but not good enough for something serious and if that is the case then wouldnt the 3rd one i just mentioned make you bisexual and also the 1st one i mentioned that would make you bisexual.
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 05:14:39

part#4 So i'm curious why would you french kiss a girl unless #1 you ARE really into girls #2 you were just doing it to get a reaction out of men then in which case would lead me to believe your seeking the approval of men and trying to impress them. ( hey lets face it, there is a pretty big number of guys that love this sort of thing) or...
BiracialGirl1977 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 05:11:55

part#3 now in your other comments you say that you are heterosexual meaning: no sexual intrest in women what so ever, i would think that would mean sex and um kissing cause that leads to other things alot of the time ( not all the time) but alot.

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