Friday, November 30, 2007

Osama Bin Laden Tape 09/07/07

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-08 05:57:30
User: Vanenix
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Message from the Uploader: Click(More) Are you guys fighting with me? Wow! I am popular. You guys always argue with this video that I upload. Answer to all Comments: 1) This video is fake: We have no further evidence but according to the media, they said that this video has proven to be real according to the specialized people who studied this video. 2) This is fake! His Course facial hair is black: Don't be stupid, there are dye that you can buy in stores to make your hair dark or customize your hair color. I believe you live in the stone age like Osama Bin Laden who is hiding inside the cave. 3) Why the quality of your video sucks: Blame Youtube! I don't know if you are an uploader but there policy is we can only allow to upload atleast 100MB. If you have a problem with my video make your own website that can let us upload 1GB of video! 4) Religious Argumentation: You guys are lame fighting with religious beliefs that you guys has no evidence if your God exist. Why don't you guys focus in science and explore how microrganism form in life. For instance, human waste form to bacteria, then form to maggot, and mutated to fly. So we are the Gods of flies, and other insects because we created trash and pest in this world. So if all of us are the Gods of flies, and flies can communicate with us, then each flies has there own Gods because we have our own trash that we created. Just imagine this view, some of my flies are my followers and some are yours. Then, I will order my flies to destroy your followers and start believing in me which and tell them that they should worship me because I hate you. Sooner and later these flies are fighting each other because of there stupid Gods. Why don't your narrow mind focus on science. To make it short, human is made of Chemical Organism (Lipids, Protein, and Carbs). All of this form to cell which is the smallest living of life, then each cells form up with tissue and form to organs and each organs perform its function and become human being. Also, what can you expect to Osama Bin Laden. He can't even know how to speak basic english, and most people who lives in foreign countries knows in speaking english. He does not have even a good education. He just got an oil in his country and became rich. He does not know anything in modern life. He only knows what his ancestors believe. On the end he will just apply it in modern world, and use there book as a power because majority of people in this world are lame believing what is written in the book. Just imagine if the Roman Catholic Pope became Binladen pretty sure it would be a massive destructive of the world. Why don't Osama Bin Laden deal with other religious groups instead of dealing to the U.S. Government who does not really care about religious organization. The government does not primarily concern about religion. They will prioritize hungry and sick people in the United States, and to our economy than wasting there time in stupid beliefs. Update: Some people believe that the United States is making up stories to the public about Osama Bin Laden. According to them, the primary objective of the United States in Iraq is not to capture Osama Bin Laden but to capture all oil resource in Iraq. That was the reason why they first capture Saddam Hussein before Osama Bin Laden. Furthermore, we don't have enough evidence to this information.


yOuDiSgRaCe ::: Favorites  2007-10-20 11:45:39

fuk u retarded bastard
flickertynumnuts ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 06:46:12

Osama has been dead since December 2001, if you believe otherwise, you might as well believe Saddam had nuclear weapons. google - osama dead 2001 december
ceptor80 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 11:10:39

this can´t be Usama, unless he has become younger! Look at his beard! It is shorter and no gray hairs! You can clearly see in videos dated as far back as 2001, that he has gray hairs in his beard. It is forbidden in islam to color your hair or beard even with black henna! Even cutting off your beard is forbidden!
khy786 ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 02:14:32

can real osama put your hands up?
tushnim0new ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 06:01:56

GutsTaijo ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 08:58:26

this guy does not look like the guy who is supposed to be Osama Bin Laden from other videos
dakotamarisa ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 16:30:08

omfg!!!!!!!!! there is such thing a hair dye and scissors
AkatsukiVempyr ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 20:41:42

what a baaaad fake. How long will the terrorists keep his death a "secret"?
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 21:33:29

No. In Islam, a man is allowed to cut his beard up to fist length (I.E. leaving enough hair that you could grasp it in your fist and it will come out the other end) and a man is also allowed to dye his hair black.
AlexMarkey ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 06:19:29

It looks nothing like Bin Laden. Look at the size of his fucking nose.
ceptor80 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 07:52:54

The only person known to do so ( cutting it to a "fist size") is Omar bin Khattab R.A. who was one of the sahaba. Other hadith mention that the profet (peace be upon him) never cut or trimmed his beard. Dying your hair to cover gray hairs is forbidden! The only dye thats allowed is yellow henna.
igiveit2u ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 11:41:10

watch my wtc vid u will see the trueth
muslimshitsniffer ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 14:46:26

osama he is fucking a goat now no more real pussy for him
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 15:16:43

Hmmm... I'm not too sure about the aspects of Islam such as minor Shari'a rulings. I remember back when I was Sunni Muslim reading a fatwa from a Wahhabi Shaykh saying that dying the hair is OK (as long as its black) and that the whole fist-sized thing is obligatory. However, when I was a Shia Muslim (Jafari Ithna Ashariyyah), I remember hearing that cutting the beard is completely forbidden, but nobody mentioned anything about dying the hair.
Max20854 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 15:21:42

You think by promoting your blasphemy you will gain more recruits for your evil cause. No. Your world the Muslim world will burn in a sea of fire. And not even this roach you call a martyr will rise from the glassed sand that is the Muslim lands.

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