Friday, September 14, 2007

One Rainy Wish - Jimi Hendrix

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-11 10:34:35
User: taipobryan
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Golden Rose. Thanks.

zyx645 ::: Favorites
you did a wonderful ,on a great song, thanks
07-08-10 01:39:59
v3rve125 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 00:12:41
Leondale ::: Favorites
wow kat (!) (?) how'd you figure all dem tunes......? and you can sing and play them like that.....? Love it. Jimi lives.....
07-08-03 12:43:10
pepper123 ::: Favorites
Dude, you're the man for bringing back those colorful memories of acid trips gone by. Thank you! You play this stuff very well.
07-07-13 00:02:29
Trendmunger ::: Favorites
He´s not Hendrix? What a surprise...
07-05-06 07:57:24
kylerober242 ::: Favorites
Axis Bold as Loves greatest song
07-05-02 23:01:50
poopMcfattycakes ::: Favorites
one of my favorite jimi songs
07-04-17 17:18:08
ulan666 ::: Favorites
not bad, but remember: You are not Hendrix
07-04-05 19:03:17
Lemke68 ::: Favorites
such a beautiful song!! alot of songs on axis bold as love are so fragile like this one
07-03-31 20:50:19
temperon ::: Favorites
awesome, good job
07-03-28 15:23:20

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